The DARE Contest

AZAPHARM congratulates the first 5 winners of the DARE Contest.

The first 2015 edition of  the DARE contest organized by the FrenchTech, for French and Israeli life sciences start-ups specializing in personalized medicine, took place on December 9th in Paris.

The winners are:
Mensia is a technology start-up focused on the wellness and healthcare applications of real-time, quantitative neurophysiology.

Damae Medical has developed a medical device providing dermatologists a new in vivo imaging technique capable of producing images similar to histology images without the need for skin tissue excision and processing.

IMT are developing a solutions dedicated to the prevention of cardiovascular risk.

Isonic Medical is a clinical stage ophthalmological device company building precise, non-contact tonometers based on a novel vibration technology for measuring intraocular pressure or eye pressure (IOP).

Biomodex develops 3D printed surgical simulators for medical education and patient-specific preoperative planning.

Winners will benefit from a mentoring program, access to the FrenchTech network, a week bootcamp in Israel…

The next step will be, in early 2016, the selection of the 5 winners on the Israeli side. Feel free to contact us ( for further information.