How Digital Communication & Management Make Sens for Healthcare Companies?
















Along with the strong development of the social networks, new experts were born, to help companies drive and expand their presence on these digital platforms. Community Manager (CM) has become a prominent role within this digital communication strategy and implementation. Among others, they work on implementing the digital identity of the company and its profiles on social networks, as well as further management of the company’s page and community. They are responsible for establishing the strategy of online communication campaigns, their planning, budgeting and targeting.

Moreover, they play a more operational role: they are involved in content writing and editing, sharing news updates and multimedia content, creating and managing interactions with influencers and followers, moderate the community.


CM of a Healthcare company: a multi-talented expert.

  • A Social Networks Specialist

They must be an experienced CM with a strong focus and emphasis on Linkedin and management of B2B interactions on social networks, that would be able to manage communities of clients, business partners, end users, investors, etc. They will also need to approach online influencers and to build relationships with them, to enhance scientific expertise and develop scientific relationships with KOLs.


  • A Life Sciences Expert pedagogy-oriented

They would also be professionals with background in Life Sciences, so they would be involved in identifying, writing and editing relevant content for the company’s profile. Scientific and medical communication on social media has to be in line with international and local legislations. Depending on the geography, Healthcare and pharmaceutical companies may be forbidden to communicate or promote their products or services (see 1, 2, 3, 4), so they can instead use social media as platforms to communicate on pathologies and get an informative role on public health. For example, Pfizer, that works on developing new treatments for Parkinson’s disease, cannot communicate directly on their drug development, but they chose to share articles raising public awareness on this same disease (see 5).


  • A Company Digital Spokesperson

In that capacity, the CM would primarily be in charge of building company branding and raising awareness on its mission, as well as enhancing public health issues through the scope of the same company, in order to emphasize its knowledge and innovative force on its field of expertise. They will provide the company’s ecosystem with updates regarding the company’s goals and milestones. And as for start-ups (Medtech and Biotech companies), their role would also involve setting up and developing investors relations.


  • A Transverse Role Involved in Business Development

Community Management on Linkedin is significantly different from other social networks: its members are professional who connect there for business-oriented purposes.

As the CM is in charge of building the company’s network and interacting with followers, they would also be involved in initiating contacts with potential prospects (6). Lead transformation could make them slip from pure CM role to marketing and sales-oriented tasks. Identifying potential customers and partners would be a great way to develop its business by new contracts and alliances.

A Life Science CM should not be only a satellite free-lancer disconnected from the strategy (which is the most common situation when it comes to CM positioning in a company), but would rather be involved more deeply in team interactions with BD, marketing, communication, sales and executive departments.

Social Media strategy has become an essential for Biomedical companies’ communication and business development, and consulting companies working with such companies should definitely provide this kind of service.

@AZAPHARM, we stand alongside with our clients, and we bring our expertise in digital communication and social media to the game. We start by advising our clients on the most relevant online strategy to adopt. Them we help them to create, implement and manage their tactics on social networks. We create communities around their project, and initiate contacts and generate business leads. And of course, we provide them with scientific content that supports and enhances their expertise.

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